American Customers

Welcome to Villa Berica, high quality healthcare in Italy

At Villa Berica, few years ago, we craeted a team (The Eagle’s Team) dedicated to Private USA & Tricare Customers, focused on treating to the most relevant deals possible to satisfy our clients, and to offering a Chaperon service on demand. 

Villa Berica is among the Vicenza’s oldest and most successful health care reality, with a long history of high quality care, clinical excellence and innovation. 

We are proud to be an ethically responsible company with healthy values focused on safety, professionalism, expertise, and services satisfaction. 

At Villa Berica we provide a full range of hospital and outpatient services such as:

AAllergy servicesEvaluation with prick tests and vaccine prescription
BBariatric surgery (and Post Bariatric Surgery)Inpatient surgery gastric bypass or sleeve
CCardiology servicesEvaluation/EKG/ultrasound/EKG24hoursHolter/ BoodPressure 24HoursMonitor
DDermatologyEvaluation/small surgery/ Videodermatoscopy
 Diabetic MedicineIn &out patient / Diabetic Foot Care /Diabetic Evaluation / Educational Therapy/Issue and Renewal of Licenses for people with diabetes /Screening Instrumental Complications neurovascular devices
 Dietetics serviceEvaluation and Diet prescription
 Diagnostic imagingX-rays /MRI / CT scan/ ultrasounds /Bone Density Test / Mammograms
EEar, Nose & ThroatIn&out patient/ evaluation/ tonal audiometric examination
 Endocrinology and Metabolic MedicineMetabolic Diseas evaluation and treatment
GGynaecologyTransvaginal Ultrasound / Screening and Prenatal Findings /Diagnosis and Treatment of diseases of female genital Examinations for Prevention of Cancer (pap smear, biopsy) bacteriological samples / Hysteroscopy
 General SurgeryEvaluation, small surgery, inpatient general surgeries.
 General MedicineMetabolic Diseas / Musculoskeletal System Diseas / Pulmonary Diseas / Cardiovascular Diseas
IInpatient DiabetesSee Diabetic Medicine
 Infectious DiseasesEvaluation and treatment
LLiver servicesPrognosis and management of chronic liver diseases. Liver biopsy fine needle aspiration, elastografy & quantitative ultrasound evaluation of steatosis .
 LaboratoryClinical Chemistry – Serology – Coagulation – Urine and Feces – Immunometry – Microbiology
NNeurologyEEG/EMG/ Neurological Evaluation
OOphthalmologyEvaluation, fundus & tonometry.
 Osteoporosis Regional CenterEvaluation & prescription of high-cost drugs for the specific treatment, such as Teriparatide and Denosumab
 OrthopaedicsEvaluations and Minimally-invasive prosthesis surgery to the hip/knee/shulder
PPain therapyPreoperative Visits /Anesthesia Care for Diagnostic Tests and Surgeries/ Pain Medicine
 Pediatrics&Family MedicineMedical officer in the US Navy, served as pedriatrician, general medical officer, and ER physician & responsible for American patients at the San Bortolo Hospital.
 Physiotherapyproprioceptive exercises – postural re-education – physiotherapy – spinal/ articulation manipulation – relaxant massage therapy – lontophoresis – Voltage/Laser/ Magneto ultrasound – electrostimulations
 Plastic surgerycosmetic surgeries breast lift with implants – buttocks, hips, thighs, and tummy liposuction – abdominoplasty ….
 PneumologyDiagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tracts
 Podologydiabetic foot screening / hyperkeratosis excision / ingrown toenails / simple and or bilateral onicopatia / onicofosi / silicone orthoses realization
UUrologyUrological evaluation / Uroflowmetry / testicular ultrasound
VVascular surgeryEvaluation of the venous circulatory system through EcocolorDoppler ultrasound to the lower limbs and upper limbs / treatment of chronic venuous insufficiency, lymphedema and ulcerative diseases of the lower limbs / sclerosing therepy with “foam” /the diagnosis and treatment of deep vein thrombosis and superficial thrombophlebitis / elastocompressive bandages / double aortic arch ultrasound(TSA)



Villa Berica Eagles contacts

Mobile Tel: + 39 320 307 1196 10AM-5PM from monday to friday  
Address: via Giuseppe Capparozzo, 10 – 36100 Vicenza (VI)  
Gps coordinates: 45.5486423,11.558562  